song of love

美 [sɔːŋ əv lʌv]英 [sɒŋ ɒv lʌv]
  • 网络爱之歌;爱情之歌
song of lovesong of love
  1. I 'm here just singing my song of love , waiting for you , my love .


  2. Indeed we are beginning to sing a new song of love between the inner and outer earth .


  3. Introduction : this sculpture is a song of love .


  4. Like a song of love that clings to me


  5. In my dream , children sing a song of love for every boy and girl .


  6. A song of love .


  7. And she bartered them all for a song of love !


  8. Eternal Song of Love


  9. This close-companioned inarticulate hour When two-fold silence was the song of love .


  10. They move together with one heart in that era of darkness and confusion , leaving behind a song of love and God writes this into history .


  11. Song of love : flying swallows waving wings on breeze freely , music of a gorgeous field with brisk and romantic rhythm like testimony for lovers .


  12. This canticle song of love expresses the poet 's passion to harmonious life , his motherland and nation , and strong wishes of the world peace and the happiness of humanity .


  13. I will sing to you the song of love and joy and the good things in life . We will offer our best quality and most professional services to help you develope in Weifang and create our beautiful future together .


  14. Pre-Qin period Hebei region a lot of poetry and prose , most notably to the number of " Book of Songs . " " Book of Songs " in the famous Song of Love , sincere and delicate vivid .


  15. Kangding county The famous song of " love song in Kangding " comes from here .


  16. Song of Solomon love is . a flower so delicate that a touch will bruise it , so strong that nothing will stop its growth .


  17. Is the song of motherly love , I learned how the brain close to the busy world , and can sail in the ocean at the helm .


  18. Then I dictated the lyric of the song ALL OUT OF LOVE once .


  19. It is a school song full of miss and love .


  20. The real sound is always a song of thanksgiving and of Love .


  21. Little bird can you sing me a little song a little song of love ?


  22. She is very charming with a sweet beautiful voice and very famous for singing the song . " Devotion of Love " .


  23. This song , a touch of love letter has suddenly gone . Light , a little regret , a little memory , meaning Chung heart .


  24. Tang Song verse and contemporary popular song and the theme of love in the nostalgia theme , the same strain of the existing , scattered released their different flavor of the times and show a different face of the literary landscape .


  25. At this time , day for the screen , as the song winds and rain for the song , the sea for the stage , played the song after another symphony of love love singing .
